Purpose of One Standard and Applications


To learn more about and to share the Love of our Lord

To provide a ~complete package of tools that fit into an easy-to-follow method to sustainably improve healthcare in developing countries.

To make this package available to healthcare workers and health systems so they can improve care or direct improvements supported by outside partners.


To Methodically Improve Healthcare

One Standard is a method with assessments, and tools to sustainably improve healthcare at a site. Moreover, One Standard, like no other, has assessments that measures safe patient care at a point in time and the capacity for the site to meet standards in the near and distant future. It has the tools to improve the capacity of the site to meet standards of care ongoing. Both of these are key to making improvements sustainable.

To Measure Benefit of Healthcare Investments

With investments should come results. By starting with the One Standard assessments, specific aspects of patient care are measured and graded with a % score. The score represents the sites grade compared to standards of care. This can be used for cost: benefit analysis of investments thus allowing benefactors to invest wisely. Starting with an assessment allows all parties to see where their healthcare ranks in regard to standards of care. This should motivate improvements in care using One Standard or other tools.

To Passively Improve Healthcare

There are organizational tools and checklist in One Standard that can be used with other tools to organize and standardize care. These will build infrastructure and can be used to make good purchasing decisions. Then, when health systems choose to renovate healthcare, they will be familiar and have been successful with tools and a method to start the journey.